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5 Popular Learning and Development Frameworks in Corporate Learning

By: Aparna Desai | Sep 13, 2023

Learning and development (L&D) is an essential part of any organisation's success. It helps employees acquire the skills and knowledge they need to do their jobs effectively, and it can also help them develop their careers.

There are many different learning and development frameworks that can be used in corporate settings. Some of the most popular frameworks include:

The 70:20:10 framework: This framework divides learning into three categories: 70% of learning takes place on the job, 20% through interaction and collaboration, and 10% through formal learning interventions.

The 4MAT framework: This framework is based on the idea that people learn in different ways, and it provides a way to design learning experiences that are tailored to different learning styles.

The ADDIE model: This model is a systematic approach to instructional design, and it can be used to create effective learning materials and activities.

The SAM model: This model is based on the idea that learning is a social process, and it emphasizes the importance of collaboration and interaction in learning.

The TBL model: This model is a blended learning approach that combines traditional classroom instruction with online learning and activities.

The best learning and development framework for a particular organisation will depend on a number of factors, such as the organisation's goals, the needs of its employees, and the resources available.

In addition to these frameworks, there are a number of other factors that should be considered when designing a learning and development program. These include:

  • The learning objectives: What do you want employees to learn?
  • The target audience: Who are the learners?
  • The delivery method: How will the learning be delivered?
  • The evaluation methods: How will you measure the effectiveness of the learning?

By carefully considering all of these factors, organisations can create learning and development programs that are effective and relevant to their employees.

Here are some additional tips for creating a successful learning and development program:

  • Make sure the program is aligned with the organisation's goals.
  • Tailor the program to the needs of the learners.
  • Use a variety of learning methods to keep learners engaged.
  • Provide opportunities for learners to practice what they learn.
  • Evaluate the program regularly to make sure it is effective.

By following these tips, organisations can create learning and development programs that help employees reach their full potential and contribute to the organisation's success.

The Three Domains of Learning
In addition to the different learning and development frameworks, there are three domains of learning that are important to consider when designing a learning and development program. These domains are:

Cognitive domain: This domain refers to the acquisition of knowledge and skills. It includes things like remembering facts, understanding concepts, and applying knowledge to new situations.

Affective domain: This domain refers to the development of attitudes, values, and emotions. It includes things like developing motivation, increasing self-confidence, and changing beliefs.

Psychomotor domain: This domain refers to the development of motor skills. It includes things like learning how to use a tool or how to perform a physical task.

By considering all three domains of learning, organisations can create learning and development programs that are comprehensive and effective.

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